
How to get Tomorrowland tickets

Each year hundred thousands of people try to join the Tomorrowland music festival experience but only a small percentage have the luck to get a ticket. Most sites and newspapers will tell you that the tickets are sold out in hours or minutes on the day of the global sale. The truth is it is even worth than that. The Tomorrowland tickets are actually reserved in a matter of seconds once global sale starts. It then takes some time before everyone has finished the purchasing process but the decision if you have one of the first cookies and get into the shop or not is already taken in the first seconds.

Today we want to share all our knowledge with you. If you read through all of our tips this will highly improve your chance to get your Tomorrowland Ticket 2017. 

There are multiple ways to get a ticket and we cover all of them in the first part of this article. We present you all the info and knowledge we have from the previous years and most important technical tips in the last part of the article.

Tomorrowland Tickets 


01. Tomorrowland Pre-Registration

The first step for buying a Tomorrowland ticket is to pre-register at the official Tomorrowland website. The first people of each country get a dedicated link to buy 4 tickets upfront before the official ticket sale starts. Think about in which smaller countries you have friends, working colleagues or family. Maybe you have a friend with two passports. In best case that person wants to join you and you are one of his 3 friends.


In 2016 the pre-registration did start on the 11th of January. The first 10 people from each country got guaranteed tickets.

In 2017 the pre-registration did start on the 10th of January and will run until the 4th of February. The first 20 people from each country got guarantee tickets.

register.tomorrowland.com – Step1 done!


02. the different types of Tomorrowland ticket sales

There are many different types of official Tomorrowland ticket sales. The more options you use the better are the chances that you can secure your Tomorrowland ticket.

Boom and Roost local area Sale

The "Boom and Roost local area" sale is for people only that live close to the Festival to have a higher acceptance from the locals.
Unless you know someone over there it won't be of any use for you.
In 2017 they will sell 1500 tickets per weekend. Registration starts 20 January. 


Belgium sale

Tomorrowland wants to give the Belgians a fair chance to receive their tickets. Therefore a dedicated sale for Belgium citizens takes place. You need to be registered with a Belgium address to get a link for the Belgium ticket sale.  Basically the same trick as mentioned above does work here. Just find someone with an address in Belgium who is willing to give you one of his 4 Tomorrowland tickets. 

In 2017 the Belgium sale will take place on the 28th of January.


Global Journey packages

The official Global Journey sale starts several days before the official ticket sale takes place. If you do not care about money, this is probably the best chance to get your Tomorrowland tickets. In 2016 it took several days until all packages were sold out. That said you still need to be quick if you want to have a specific package.
You do not need to register for the official global journey sale. 

Travel packages contain hotel, flight, train rides and of course a ticket to Tomorrowland. You can even buy tickets for themed flights or hotels which bring you in the Tomorrowland mood already before the festival has started. The packages are relatively expensive compared to what you would have to pay if you buy your flight or accommodation separately.

You might miss your chance to get a Tomorrowland travel package if you start searching through the packages on the day of the official sale. Many of the travel packages sell out within minutes so you should come prepared and check the different option upfront.

In the Simulator you can already check what packages are available and how much you have to pay.

In 2016 the Global Journey package sale did start on the 23rd of January.
The cheapest package was a bus trip from Eindhoven for 689EUR which was 340EUR more than the regular Weekend ticket in that year.


The global ticket sale

This is the day everyone is waiting for.  The majority of tickets will be sold during the global ticket sale within seconds. It's like a battle if you do not come prepared you will leave the battlefield without a Tomorrowland ticket. Be sure to read our technical tips and general tips further below if you want to try your luck on that day. The regular festival ticket without camping is called Full Madness pass  while the festival ticket + Tomorrowland camping + camping pre-party on Thursday is called Dreamville Magnificent Greens. We definitely recommend to get a camping ticket as the pre-party on Thursday is already a small festival with about 40.000 people itself.

Even if you are lucky and get into the online ticket shop some of the ticket options might already be sold out. So come prepared! If you first choice is already sold out you might only have seconds to buy your second or third option. You should check out all ticket options upfront and already plan ahead which options would work for you and your friends. Check what everyone is willing to spend and if a day pass is an option. In general the camping tickets sell out quicker than the regular tickets and the Saturday tickets before the Friday and Sunday tickets.

If you have some more friends (and who will not be your friend if you can offer a Tomorrowland ticket) you should definitely check out the Friendship Gardens for 10 people which goes for 3350 EUR in the pre-sale what is 110 EUR more per person than a regular camping ticket but gives you a reserved camping spot for you and your 10 friends.

In 2016 the global sale was on the 6th of February exactly 17:00 CET
Full Madness pass did go for  272,50 EUR + fees (around 50 EUR) and the Dreamville Magnificent Greens did cost 347,50 EUR + fees.

In 2017 the global sale has been splitted into two sale days. Important: You have to be registered to take part in the pr-sale and the official sale.
The difference between the pre-sale that takes place on the 28th of January 17:00 CET and the regular ticket sale that takes place on the 4th of February 17:00 CET is the 10-30% higher price in the regular sale. 
Here is an overview of the prices of the most important Tomorrowland tickets in 2017.
Incredible Saturday Pass - Pre-Sale: 94 EUR / Regular Sale: 101 EUR
Full Madness Pass  - Pre-Sale: 225 EUR / Regular Sale: 281 EUR
Magnificent Greens Package - Pre-Sale: 290 EUR / Regular Sale: 365 EUR
Friendship Garden Package - Pre-Sale: 3350 EUR / Regular Sale: 4009 EUR

You can check all the ticket prices upfront: https://www.tomorrowland.com/en/festival/tickets/ticket-prices

Which weekend should you choose in 2017?

The last time that Tomorrowland took place on two weekends was in 2014 and the first weekend was sold out first. We guess that is simply because most people will click on the first weekend to see if tickets are still available. This could be the seconds that can make the difference therefore our suggestion is to try your luck with the second weekend if you can fit it into your summer schedule. 


Source: Flickr // Steve Snodgrass // CC BY 2.0  

Packages from the travel partners of Tomorrowland

Travel Packages by the official partner of Tomorrowland are another great chance to get your Tomorrowland ticket. Many of the travel partners require registration on the site upfront as well. We recommend to check all sites upfront and check all of their travel packages. In many cases, the travel packages of the travel partner are significantly cheaper than the official global Journey packages. 
If you come from the US, South America, Australia or Asia it might be cheaper to get a travel package from on of the partners and fly to that location than to buy a flight package in the Global Journey sale.

A complete list of travel partners can be found at  https://www.tomorrowland.com/en/festival/tickets/travel-partners

To give you an idea what you can expect we did check all the pages for you. 
Many of these sites are in the local language, therefore you should use google translation if you want to book a ticket.

Last Updated 21.01.2017 

Has announced Bus travel packages from Brussel starting at 444 EUR. Even compared to the regular ticket sale this package is unbelievable cheap.  You need to pick up the ticket in one of their offices in Singapore, Thailand, Taiwan, Hong Kong or South Korea. Lucky you have you have a holiday or business trip planned to Asia.

Has not announced very cheap bus packages from Germany starting at 470 EUR (Bus Trip from Dortmund). 

Has announced Bus travel packages from Netherlands starting at 520 EUR. 
Which is cheaper than any of the Travel packages in the official global Journey sale.

Has announced Bus travel packages from Slovakia / Croatia starting at 549 EUR. 
Which is cheaper than any of the Travel packages in the official global Journey sale.

Has announced Bus travel packages from Slovakia starting at 640 EUR.

Has announced Bus travel packages from Germany starting at around 650 EUR. This price includes Jägermeister at the Bus and a place at the DreamVille Friendship Garden which is much closer to the Festival ground than the regular camping area. 

Has announced Bus travel packages from Paris starting at 649 EUR.

Has announced bus travel packages from Liechtenstein starting at 690 EUR.

Has announced Bus travel packages from Austria starting at 755 EUR.

Has announced Hotel packages starting at 782 EUR.

Has announced Bus travel packages from Switzerland starting at 840 EUR.

Has announced Flight packages from Italy starting at 895 EUR.

Has announced Flight packages from Moscow for 995 EUR.

Has announced Flight packages from Zurich for 1400 EUR.

Has announced Flight packages from Brazil for 1500 EUR.

Has announced Hotel Packages including the Hilton in Antwerp starting at 1500 EUR.

Has opened their Pre-Registration for travel packages to Tomorrowland but has not announced prices yet. 
Festicket usually has the biggest number of travel options available and offer flight, bus and hotel packages.
Double your chances, register now. 


Has announced bus travel packages from Danmark and Sweden but do not show prices yet. In 2016 the package did cost 833 EUR. 


Has not announced anything for 2017 yet.

Has not announced anything for 2017 yet.

Has announced bus travel packages from Sweden but has not announced prices yet.

Has not announced anything for 2017 yet.


Has not announced anything for 2017 yet.

Will offer bus packages from Sweden but has not announced anything for 2017 yet.

Will offer packages from Spain but has not announced anything for 2017 yet.

Offers flight packages from Israel. Registration is open. Prices have not been announced yet.


The official Tomorrowland Ticket Swap

Although there are no details yet we are pretty sure there will be an official Tomorrowland ticket swap as in the last years. Many people don't believe they have a chance to get a ticket in the ticket swap and therefore don't even register for it. Also we don't have any solid numbers we can say we used the ticket swap in 2014 and were lucky to get our Tomorrowland festival and camping tickets just some weeks before the festival weekend.

For the ticket swap the same rules as for the ticket sale take place. First come first serve. Which means you should be right on time to register for the ticket swap.

Important Once you have registered for the ticket swap you should check your e-mail account on a daily basis. If you are lucky and get tickets through the Tomorrowland ticket swap you only have 24 hours to enter your order details and finish the payment. 

Secondary Online Market

Officialy Tomorroland warns from the secondary online market. The mother company of Tomorrowland however had signed a contract with viagogo in 2014. We are not sure about the current status but in the past viagogo had access to the official ticket codes and was able to check the tickets if the are legimit.  www.viagogo.com 

The internet is full of people who got there ticket from viagogo and had no issues at all. In 2014 we considered to buy our tickets there and noticed that the ticket prices where declining the closer we got to the festival weekend. Right after the official ticket sale you had to pay more than 1000 EUR for a festival ticket which declined to somewhat around 500 EUR per ticket a month before the festival.

Tomorrowland Tickets on the street

There is no official market on the street. Tomorrowland warns on their website of purchasing tickets from any non official source. However in 2014 we met people inside the festival venue who bought there tickets on the street and we saw people selling Tomorrowland tickets upfront the entrance. We can't give any advice other than it is always dangerous to buy from the second hand market and it sure is expensive as hell.


03. General tips for the official Tomorrowland ticket sales

If you use any of the official Tomorrowland ticket sale channels whether it is a travel package or stand alone ticket you should consider our general tips.

Be patient

Once the ticket sale started you a probably in the queue looking on the waiting page where nothing is happening for minutes and minutes. Do not hit the reload button as this will put you to the end of the row. Do not leave your PC out of sight as you might only have seconds to buy your choice once you are in the shop. Even if you already did wait for 45 minutes stay put and wait and look at your screen! Some tickets become available at a later point of time as some payments might be canceled or credit card payments are denied.

Don't forget the fees

Many people do not think about the fees when they check their credit card limit. This is an example from 2016 which shows you how much fees you can expect during the official ticket sales.

    Service Fee
  • 8,00 EUR per camping ticket
  • 4,75 EUR per festival ticket
    Treasure Fee (Shipping)
  • 9,50 EUR with address in Belgium
  • 16,50 EUR with address in Europe
  • 25 EUR for an address anywhere else in the world
    Payment Fee
  • 2% - 3,5% depending on your payment method

Let's pretend you order 4 tickets with camping to a country in Europe and you pay with Paypal.

347 EUR Ticket * 4 = 1388 EUR
8 EUR Service Fee * 4 = 32 EUR
16,50 EUR Treasure Fee * 4 = 66 EUR

Total = 1486 EUR + Payment Fee of 3,5% * 1486 EUR = 52 EUR Grand Total = 1542 EUR for 4 Tickets in 2016

All Fee information can be found at https://www.tomorrowland.com/en/festival/tickets/service-fee-treasure-case-payment-fee


Source: Flickr // Maik Maid // CC BY 2.0

Check your credit card limit

Each year thousands of people have their payments canceled because their credit card limit is not high enough. So make sure your credit card limit is high enough and no restrictions in your Paypal account. Don't forget you credit card limit counts per month. The tickets add to the sum which you already spent that month.

Don't use your credit card if you experienced trouble with it in the past

In 2014 we did pay with Paypal during the global ticket sale. We immediately got a confirmation message in our web browser and were looking forward to receive a confirmation e-mail. Instead, we got an e-mail two minutes later which told us that the payment was declined and the tickets were gone. As we found out later Paypal was not able to receive that money from our BarclayCard. A nice lady at BarclayCard explained to us that a payment of more than 1500 Eur to a billing address in Belgium was considered as unusual and our credit card was therefore blocked for security reasons.

Load money to your Paypal account upfront if you want to use it

To make sure that payment with Paypal does work we recommend to transfer money to your Paypal account upfront.

Don't use your Paypal account several times

In the past, there were often reports that people tried to use the same Paypal account for several payments of different persons. Those payments were often blocked by Tomorrowland for security reasons.

Have more than one payment option

Have as many payment options as possible. Lent the credit card of your parents or friends. You only have a certain time to finish your payment so you won't have the time to search for a second credit card if you have any issues with your first credit card.



04. Technical tips and tricks

If you want to be successful in the battle for Tomorrowland tickets it's time to geek yourself up. Without these tips, we would never have made it to Tomorrowland. Read through our technical tips and if you do not understand what we are talking about don't hesitate to leave a comment.

It's all about your internet connection

If you are an online gamer you might already know that a stable internet connection can give you the milliseconds advantage you need to be successful. Basically it's the same for the Tomorrowland ticket sale with the difference that you only get one chance to make it right.

Let's start with the basic: the better your ping the better your chance to be first in line A so-called "Ping" is the time that is needed to send a signal from your PC to a server and back.

Let's keep it simple even if it is not 100% correct: the lower your Ping the faster your signal gets to the Tomorrowland server which means you are in line earlier. You can use websites like https://www.speedtest.net/ to test your Ping.

In the user settings, you can even select a server in Antwerp or Brussels which are both in Belgium like the Tomorrowland server. https://www.speedtest.net/user-settings.php

How to improve your Ping

You do have access to the internet at different places? At home, at work, university or a friend's house? Try them all and check where you get the best Ping signal! You do have different devices? Desktop computer, notebook, tablet or smartphone?

Try them all and check where you get the best Ping signal! Turn off all unnecessary programs with internet traffic like Skype, Steam and so on.

Use a network cable instead of a wireless connection.

Throw everybody out of the network during the ticket sale (you don't want your brother playing online while you are stuck in the online shop).

Turn off the wireless connection for the time of the ticket sale.

If you are a real geek check the settings of your firewall. (Only for experts! Don't switch it off if you don't know what you are doing.)

When to press Re-fresh during the Global Tomorrowland Ticket sale

Update 15.01.2017 
In 2016 we had no luck with the analyzation of the response time. We thought we figured out but we got stuck in the line anyway. On the web you can find several discussions about this topic and many say that Tomorrowland has changed the system into a two step process. 
According to that info you will be the first in the waiting pool if you have an optimal timing but from there the system will pick randomly who is getting access to the ticket shop. You can also find post by people who did get tickets even so they logged in some minutes after the sale in 2016.
On the other hand, we had one user who contacted us via Facebook who says it did work for him for the registration in 2017.

It definitely can not hurt to use the here described methods but the are not guaranteed to work anymore.

We will update this section once the https://globaljourney.tomorrowland.com/ is online.

UPDATE 21.01.2017

We checked the HTTP calls for the global journey sale. In general system still seems to be the same. We found a call for http://gj.scale.tomorrowland.com/ which contains the information for entering the web shop.
It is loaded every 60 seconds. If the system stays the same for the global pre-sale you should be able to time your re-fresh on that.

Update 28.01.2017 16:30CET
We will start analyzing the HTTP calls right now.

We got info from a Facebook user that he was able to get 12 exclusiv pre-sale tickets with the descriped method.

He also did send us a picture of the shop. First packages are already sold out.

Tomorrowland Shop


Here is a step by step guide from 2016 on how to analyze HTTP callbacks. 

If you go to https://register.tomorrowland.com/ you find the information: DO NOT REFRESH THIS PAGE! A button to the Pre-Registration form will load automatically on this page.

This is basically the same for the registration as well as each of the ticket sales. It means the website will reload itself and once the time is reached you see a button to access the shop. The information is right about one thing, never hit refresh after the official sale has started! But you might want to optimize your position up front of the registration phase and the official sale.

The website automatically reloads every couple of seconds. Let's pretend it is a 90 seconds interval. Let's say the first time you load the page you hit 16:58:00. The website will reload at 16:59:30 but still too early and no button for accessing the shop. Then it will reload at 17:01:00 and you will enter the shop queue one minute after the ticket sale has started. Result: You most likely will get no ticket! So if the 90 seconds would be true then it would be much better to access the site at 16:55:31 or 16:57:01 or 16:58:31 which would give you a re-load at 17:00:01 and you would enter the queue just one second after the ticket sale starts.

We hope you understand this simple example.

Unfortunately, it is not simple as that. The 90 seconds are only an example and the methods Tomorrowland is using changes each year a bit and sometimes just hours before the official sale starts.

To find the actual time interval you need a tool that can track HTTP callbacks. For example, you could use HTTPFOX for the Firefox browser.

Once it is installed you need to restart the firefox browser and hit CTRL+SHIFT+F2. In the lower half of your Firefox browser, you will now have a screen to track HTTP callbacks.

https://register.tomorrowland.com/ page. (You should close all other browser windows to avoid any mix up of your results)

Use HTTPFOX for Tomorrowland ticket shop

Once the page is loaded you will see a lot of HTTP callbacks coming in. Wait some seconds and you will see that some of them are happening again and again.

Up to this point it is always the same. From this point onwards procedures might change until offical ticket sale starts.

On the current https://register.tomorrowland.com/ page there are two callbacks which will catch your eye.

1. URL: nodejs-testtml.elasticbalkenstat.com in our case loaded all 60 seconds (this might change in the future)

nodejs from tomorrowland server


2. URL: https://fallback.tomorrowland.com/ - in our case loaded all 90 seconds (this might change in the future) Fallback call from Tomorrowland Server


If you look in the fallback.tomorrowland.com you also find a exact time stamp which shows you the tomorrowland server time. We are not sure which one is the important one. But one thing is for sure: One of these callbacks will load the entry button. So what we would like to see is having this callbacks at 17:00:01. Which means we should load the page at exactly 16:54:01 or 16:57:01 to be in a 180 seconds loop which would be good for both of these callbacks.

To have an exact callback you might have to practice a little bit with the refresh button as it depends on your ping. The good thing is you can start practicing right now. Simply measure the seconds between you hit the refresh button and the first callback you get. Now deduct the seconds from the time you would like to hit.

Lets do this in an example: When we hit refresh the first time we see the "nodejs HTTP callback" after 32 seconds and the first " fallback. tomorrowland.com HTTP callback" after 92 seconds. These times might be different for you depending on your Internet connection. Therefore we would have to hit the refresh 92 seconds before the time we want get the HTTP callback. Let's pretend we want the call back at exactly 16:18:30. We hit the refresh button at 16:16:58.

Tomorrowland Http Callback

In my example I was a little bit to early and hit 16:18:29 which would be the worst case scenario for the real ticket deal. You want to be one or two seconds late but not 1 second to early. The more often you practice the better you will get and in the end you should be able to catch the exact time by 1–2 seconds! Which gives you a big chance to be one of the first in line for your ticket.


Update 22.01.2016

The Global Journey Tomorrowland ticket shop is online: https://globaljourney.tomorrowland.com/.

We analyzed the webpage as explained above at 18:00 today and found a cookie that is re-freshing all 6.8 seconds. We analyzed it again at 19:00 and found a cookie that is re-freshing all 20.1 seconds. This means Tomorrowland is activily changing the behaviour. Propaply because of the sale for people from Boom which start today. We assume they will do the same tomorrow when the global journey sale starts. So you should check the current cookie beaviour just shortly before the sale starts! 

22.01.2016 - 18:00 Screenshot:

global journey ticket sale


22.01.2016 19:00 Screenshot



Update 06.02.2016 14:45 CET

The global ticket shop is online. tickets.tomorrowland.com
We analyzed the web page at 14:45 CET with the methods descriped above.
We found a json call for queue-api.paylogic.com.
We then had a look at the program code of queue.js.
There is a line which shows the method the refresh is triggered:
This means the automatic re-fresh takes place all 31 to 90 seconds.
Which gives you next to no chance to get a ticket if you wait for the automatic re-fresh.

Therefore the method described above does not work anymore!

You should analyze how long it takes from hitting the re-fresh button to get the first json call for the queue. Write down the times and find the shortest time between hitting the re-fresh button and the first json call you retrieve. The better your ping the lower the time should be. With our Internet connection we get the first json call back between 3.5–6 seconds after hitting the re-fresh button. Which means we will re-fresh at exactly 16:59:56.5 to get into the queue 0–2.5 seconds after the sale does start.

Good luck for the Global Tomorrowland Ticket sale today.

Use more than one browser

Now that you know at which time to press the re-fresh button why not get a better chance to get into the Tomorrowland Ticket shop by using three different browsers and hitting the re-fresh button 1 second apart from each other. You can only use your link once to purchase tickets but you can try to get into the Tomorrowland shop multiple times.


05. Conclusion

Will reading through this article guarantee you a Tomorrowland ticket? Not if you only try it in the regular sale but if you make use of all the given information and you are willing to pay 100-250 EUR on top you should be able to take part in the Tomorrowland experience! 
If you are successful in the ticket sale let us know. If not, let us know as well. If you have more tips or tricks or any other URL which provides info about the Tomorrowland ticket sale leave a comment. If you are an Internet geek and you find failures in our explanation or have more background knowledge about those topics please share it with us. We are learning constantly and want this to be the best article on this topic!


Sam m. Zakri (not verified)

Do u know how much for a train ticket from amsterdam to tomorrowland under the train package? Seeing the round bus trip from eindhoven to tomorrowland = 340€ just scares the living out of me. Please reply thank you.

Pedro (not verified)

I don't know if this will work for the pre-registration for 2017 but I have download de add-on you mention and I see no refesh whatsoever. 5 minutes and nothing. It only shows the data from the first time i log the website and all the previous ones. But it doesm{t show any refresh whatsoever enven after a very very long time. Are you sure this add on is working? Thanks

Anonymous (not verified)

Pedro wait, tomorrow morning at 10 cet http calls will start taking place

Anonymous (not verified)

any result about the refreshing method this morning ?

Steven B (not verified)

does someone test or have the add-on result for today ?

lucas (not verified)

I have also tried with no luck and it's less than two hours before the pre-registration time.

Anonymous (not verified)

Atleast I had two paylogic queue.js callbacks displayed in the addon earlier this morning. The 2nd one came 20 minutes after the first one. Will try a 20 minute-ahead refresh but I will also have another pc as backup. Just wanted to let you know since I was following the comments aswell... I can of course not guaranty any success here.. :/

gigi (not verified)

Not sure about you guys but I just noticed there was a simple 60s timer...and then, all my browser windows crashed for at least 5 min. I managed to get in the earliest via mobile.

Lana (not verified)

Does anyone know if this method is working this year?

Anonymous (not verified)

This is the first year I decided to take a look at the registration code for Tomorrowland. It looks promising that I could program a hack to virtually guarantee hitting the server right precisely at the exact best moment (assuming no network interference). For pre-registration, it was simply a 60sec timer in queue.js. The random period between first load and first hit is due to loading all dependent files and syncing your computer's clock to the server clock. But I could program a way to make it always do the hit right within the preferred time. I wish I could see code from last year's queue.js. Does anyone still have that by any chance? It would give me insight into what happens once you are accepted into the queue during the actual sale. My email is truespirit14 at gmail for anyone wanting to help me with this.


I have updated the whole blog today with the latest available information about the Tomorrowland 2017. To be honest I don't know if the HTTP call analyzes method is working in 2017. We just have to wait until the global journey and Belgium sale starts to see if it is working or not.

I find the possibility to order tickets via asialive much more interesting. Let's see what they answer.

Poison (not verified)

I also sent an email to AsiaLive365 to double-check if we're allowed to buy tickets from countries outside Asia.
I'll let you know if I have news. I would definitely be OK to pay 150€ more just to be sure to have a ticket ;-)

Poison (not verified)

Bad news !
I asked AsiaLive365 on Twitter the following:
"can anyone buy Travel Packages from your website ? or is it just for people from Asia ?"
Here's the answer:
"We welcome all requests but you have to be able to collect your ticket in Singapore, Thailand, Taiwan, Hong Kong or SKorea x"


Hi Poison, thanks for sharing that info.
Guess it's time to get in contact with your friends in South Asia. :-)

Jithesh (not verified)

Hello. Regarding the special Tomorrowland party flight from Munich... do we have to book it directly from the Tomorrowland site or can we book it from Brussels airlines site (or any site that sells flight tickets) as well? Plus the TomorrowLand site shows flight departs from Munich at 17.20 and other sites shows it departs at 17.30. Is it the same flight or a different one? TIA :)

Prs-one (not verified)

Can I, as a Belgian, buy 2 tickets in the Belgian pre-sale, and then personalise 1 on my name and 1 on the name of a Colombian friend?

Dzee (not verified)

If I know someone who can purchase during the belgium pre-sale, are they able to give away all 4 tickets for my friends and I who are in the US?


Prs-one and Dzee that should work. Rules for the Belgium sale have changed from year to year. So I'm not 100% sure how Tomorrowland will handle it in 2017.
From my knowledge you need an address in Belgium and a credit card that is registred on a Belgium address to buy the tickets. Some years ago you needed a "Mister Cash" card which is very common in Belgium but I think that has changed. The braceletts for all persons will be send to that Belgium address that was used during the order process.

But the names and adress of the people that you are registering for each bracelett don't need to be a Belgium adress. Even if it has to be a Belgium adress, from our experience nobody ever checks you ID as long as you have a bracelett. We entered the camping spot several times and entered the festival area several times and we never have been asked for an ID neither did we ever see anyone that needed to show his ID. Only if you have a pick up bracelett (e-ticket from the ticketswap / viagogo / travel packages) you will need to show your ID to get the bracelett.

Lza (not verified)

So do you think that the best time to refresh before the ticket sale is 16:57:01 CET giving 5 seconds beforehand for Ping time?

Lza (not verified)

Also, I am from UK but I have received a belgium ticket link whilst registering with a UK address, do you think it would work if I used it 10:00 CET on 28th Jan - thanks in advance.

gwiny (not verified)

Hi, the Pre Sale Site has changed....can some analyse it? Every 60s there is something like:

https://queue-api.paylogic.com/json/115641/2993/?now=1485507928118 (the numbers are changing every 60s)

RicoM (not verified)

Does anyone know If this is going to work tomorrow? Last year the method worked pretty well for me till paypal crashed. But this year I dont see and callbacks at all..

Tomas I (not verified)

Hello, can i pre-register for example 5 emails with same personal information (me) and distribute them to my friends to help me get the tickets? Or their server will recognize that 5 people with same information are trying to get the tickets and put me on the back of the queue?

gigi (not verified)

Think this year the refresh is even more random


Anonymous (not verified)

gigi - where did you find that? I am still seeing the 60 second one

Anonymous (not verified)

It looks like there are now two calls. One from fallback.js that is called every 60 second. And one random one from application.js usually looks like ?=now+id. I am really curious if I should try it around the first one, or just try to click links at random times and hope for the second.

gigi (not verified)

sold out in 36min

Smette (not verified)

Any idea when to refresh? I ve logged the whole morning, it was refreshing every 60 sec but at 11 there was a delay of 3 sec... i will retry this afternoon

Mike (not verified)

Hi all,

Fallback.scale.tomorrowland.com appears every 60 seconds.
However, The response date is always about 90,5 seconds after the one before, regardless when I hit the refresh button.

Say the first response date after 17.00u will be 17:00:10, should my 'perfect refresh' be timed in such way that Fallback.scale.tomorroland.com appears at 17:00:00 or at 17:00:10?

Rico (not verified)

Yes, fallback... appears every 60 seconds but that queue.api... is random everytime. Guess it's just luck today.

Tom (not verified)

I read on tomorrowland reddit, that multiple browsers dont work. They said that when you load your unique link twice even in different browsers you get kicked to the back of the line. Where is the truth?

kaka (not verified)

any idea about whats the ideal time to refresh ???? damn it s so stressfull haha

gigi (not verified)

The minimum refresh rate is again, as last year, 30s + a random time between 0 and 60s ; I didn't manage with different browsers + ipad + phone in wifi/mobile/direct lan/vpn combo's
I can imagine they say not to load multiple browsers and not to refresh as they don't want their servers to crash due load of people sending requests to their server, but ultimately there is no such thing as a queue, you just needs to be luckily a spot in the queue frees up and at that moment your refresh time hits in

Anonymous (not verified)

Do you guys getting exact server time from some of the requests? It seems like there is always different.

Anonymous (not verified)

What's the url for the pre-sales ? I didnt receive any email yet, is that normal ?


I get the first response of queue-api.paylogic 3 seconds after refresh and then every 60-90 seconds.

Which means the worst you can do is to refresh 4-59 seconds before 17:00 CET.
Either refresh 2-3 seconds before 17:00 CET or refresh 63-64 seconds before 17:00 CET to have at least better chances.


You should have received an email yet. 
If you have not better register again quickly. 


Anonymous (not verified)

I have, but no emails..


But it does not work this year without a unique code.

Anonymous (not verified)

is it only for belgian ?


Nope this one is the world wide pre-sale. The one for Belgian was this Morning already.


We are waiting in the que.


The text says:The demand for tickets is much higher than the number of tickets being offered. Therefore, you are in the waiting line. This automatic waiting line keeps track of your position in the queue. When you refresh your page, you will automatically become last in line. It is strongly advised not to refresh or open multiple tabs.

First in, First served principle is applied. Who enters the queue first, gets the chance to buy tickets first.

Anonymous (not verified)

Yeah I wonder if they can somehow track multiple browsers with same link. That was probably bad call :(

stuck in queue on all my devices and my friends too.


Don't give up. I did see people getting into the shop after 40 minutes or more in the last years.

Anonymous (not verified)

Full Madness Tickets for Weekend 1 & 2 from the Worldwide Pre-Sale are sold out.


Little info box says: Full Madness Tickets for Weekend 1 & 2 from the Worldwide Pre-Sale are sold out.

Anonymous (not verified)

"Full madness tickets for weekend 1&2 from the worldwide pre-sale are sold out"

Anonymous (not verified)

The info boxed only showed up on my laptop and not my desktop :/ Anyone get lucky today?


Tommorowland Full Madness passes at Viagogo are going for 650 EUR right now. Tomorrowland Tickets at Viagogo

Anonymous (not verified)

full madness soldout. got tickets for friday.


Try your luck in the official sale. They will have more Full madness passes available.

Anonymous (not verified)

Does this mean all the tickets are sold out including dreamville ones?

Anonymous (not verified)

The http call method worked for me. Entered ticketshop at about 17:00:02 and bought 4 magnificent greens tickets. First time in four years I could buy tickets the regular way.

Thanks for the info.

Bijan (not verified)

WAIT DOES dreamville also get Sold out ???

Carro (not verified)

No luck :( So where is this resale happening? And we will get a second shot on 4th Feb right?

Anonymous (not verified)

Is there anybody who got some ticket?


Anonymous who got tickets. At which time did you refresh?

Anon (not verified)

Woke up at 3am here in Australia to get tickets. Unfortunately no luck for me :( Should I expect exactly the same on 4th Feb? Should I bother?

flavio (not verified)

What is the difference between the worldwide pre-sale today and the worldwide sale on the 4th february? Greets

Cameron (not verified)

most tickets have been spld as long as you see this page thers a chance to obtain a ticket.

this is just playing with emotions haha

GIGI (not verified)

jeeej it worked, not what I wanted but ok fine, have one ticket at least

WEEKEND 1: Full Madness Comfort Pass 1 € 380,00 EUR € 380,00 EUR
Zwischensumme € 380,00 EUR
Servicegebühren € 4,75 EUR
Treasure Case Fee € 9,50 EUR
Transaktionskosten € 10,95 EUR
Gesamt € 405,20 EUR

Anonymous (not verified)

i got through after it had said sold out blah blah on the queue page. Some packages showing as available but when you try to add them it says they aren't. Packages keep coming in and out of availability but I managed to get 4 magnificent green about 5 mins ago. Refreshing a second or two before the start.


We all will have a second shot on the 4th of February. I'm they will sell most of their tickets in that sale as the tickets are more expensive then (they now how to make money). 


flavio: The sale on the 4th is more expensive. I have some examples in the blog article. You can also check the prices at the tomorrowland page.

flavio (not verified)

Just one more time for the dummies. you have to press the button on the pre-registration mail just a few seconds before the sale beginns. then just wait in the salepage till the queue is joined?


Anon: If you are from Australia I would do the following try your luck in the sale on the 4th + try your luck in the sale by Festicket + use a browser with translation modus and try your luck in the sale of feierreisen.de and partytickets.de
If you get a ticket in the German sales you simply book a flight to Germany and go by bus with them. 
Or how about buying the tickets from Asialive and take a flight via Singapore to pick up the tickets.

Look in the blog post above to see example prices and links to all available shops that have their own ticket contingent.

gigi (not verified)

The moment I got 'in' , I tried first for day pass, it showed 4 available, I checked and clicked next, error not available ; so I checked for 2 tickets instead, next; again error not available ; then I saw the combo boxes disappearing more and more (I entered at 11:29) ; till nothing was left - refreshing the page by changing languages of paylogic, made that combo boxes got available where tickets were available; so finally I saw full madness and took just one to be safe and it passed.
FYI, I started refreshing all my browsers with 30s interval as of 11:15 - so this confirms staying in the queue makes no sense.


flavio: you can click the link at any time. You then hit re-fresh in the browser some seconds before 17:00 CET. The exact time depends on your connection that is why you should analyze it as described in the article.

Nick (not verified)

Don't buy tickets via Viagogo, it's fraudulent website! They are not an official Tomorrowland partner

Joe (not verified)

Yes Nick is right, don't buy your tickets at Viagogo, they are asking money for nothing, you will get false tickets and you won't be able to get in!!!

Joe (not verified)

Yes Nick is right, don't buy your tickets at Viagogo, they are asking money for nothing, you will get false tickets and you won't be able to get in!!!

Anonymous (not verified)

@happy HB. Refreshed based on the HTTP://FALLBACK.TOMORROWLAND.COM call (every 60 sec) a few minutes before 17:00 (16:57). Timed it so the call would come in at 17:00:02. Maybe it was luck, maybe it was the method. Cannot tell for sure, but as said it was the first time in four years I got tickets from the regular sale.

Succes to all in the next sale period.

Anonymous (not verified)

And btw, when all my friends saw messages like 'full madness pass sold out', my screen did not show it. I entered the ticketshop at 17:25 and all tickettypes were still available for me to buy.

gigi (not verified)

true, site was stating full madness sold out at 20 and I entered at 29 , and finally bought one at 40 .

btw about viagogo, it is legitimate, I just tried to sell my ticket on viagogo to see whether there is some check, and after having entered address, credit details to confirm name, your ticket is not put on sale yet before one uploads a proof .
I know from earlier tomorrowland festivals people had no issues with tickets from viagogo - you can simply go on the day of the festival to the ticketdesk and claim there your ticket.

Anonymous (not verified)

I think that the key to our problems is we have to know the time of tomorrowland server. Each of us can have different time but tomorrowland server's time is only one.We have to know,when this server have 17:00. What about it think?

pm6 (not verified)

Yeah this is a good statement....because i tried to get tickets today with three notebooks (and three diffrent links) and every notebook had a different time....so it was not possible for me to refresh at the right time beacuse i didnt know which was the right time

annon (not verified)

can any once tell call back time of yesterday sale ?



Nick and Joe you are not right.

Viagogo is the official re-sale partner.

Have a look here: http://www.magneticmag.com/2016/08/sfx-entertainment-lands-viagogos-lega...

They are having a fight right now as viagogo claims money from the ID&T mother company SFX.

Ramon (not verified)

I have a question. I don't want to sound ignorant, but why would I refresh the page following this method when I can get in the ticket sale page at 17:01? I think this is much easier and works in the same way, no?

Anonymous (not verified)

What is the difference between that I click the link 16:59:01 ( I know that interval is 60s and next refresh should be 17:00:01) and I click the link 17:00:01 ?

Anonymous (not verified)

It's explained in the Blog...
When you click right after 17:00:00, for example 17:00:01 as you mentioned, it will take another 60 second until the callback happens, that would be 17:01:01 with 60 seconds of people, approximately millions, who are in front of you in the queue

Anonymous (not verified)

Ok I understand ;) You can tell me which link is more important ? https://fallback.scale.tomorrowland.com/ which refresh in interval 60 s and https://queue.paylogic.com..... which refresh in interval between 30s and 60 s ?


According to a comment on this page the important one was HTTP://FALLBACK.TOMORROWLAND.COM.
I did do my timing on https://queue.paylogic.com and did not get into the ticket shop. I will retry next weekend.

Ramon: If you come to the sale at 17:01 you will be number 1 Million in the que and don't get a ticket anymore.
You need to get in the que within the first seconds after 17:00.

PM6: You should use a atomic watch. You can find one in google.

Gigi: That is exactly what I'm saying in the blog. Never give up even if the system shows "Tickets are sold out". Payments are often declined by the credit card company and those tickets become available again within the next 10 minutes or so.

Bijan: Dreamville has has only space for around 40.000 people. They will have more Dreamville tickets this Saturday. Try your luck again.

Infos I got from a user from Greece via Facebook. He used multiple tabs and got into the shop multiple times. Just in case if you wonder if multiple browser/tabs are still working.


Anonymous (not verified)

Hi HappyAB, I am seeing conflicting reports to when to enter the shop. After analyzing the Fallback and Queue callbacks, it seems that the first call from fallback happens after 3 seconds and then it refreshes after 60 seconds..

Some guy above entered at 16:57 and timed it so he can enter by 17:00:02

Does that mean I need to enter (3 seconds + 1 minute e.g. 16:58:57) before the sale starts or do I enter 3 seconds before the sale starts and the result will be the same?

Marcos (not verified)

Hi guys. Thank you so much for all this information. Based on the last sturday, and considering that my ping is 11 ms, when should I hit the refresh button. I've tryed to use the add on but it's not working.

Nick (not verified)

Gigi, try to buy tickets at viagogo, they say only 20 tickets are available or so, at the same time they tell you people have bought the last tickets, so the supply is diminishing. But after refreshing the page, there are again 20 tickets. The site is a fraud. They try to sell duplicates. So yes it's true, if you are lucky enough and you are the first person entering the festival, then you're in... but otherwise you won't get in! So please don't get ripped of by viagogo! I know some of my family members who bought tickets at viagogo, they all lost their money

Nick (not verified)

check this site out: https://www.sitejabber.com/reviews/www.viagogo.com all negative feedback

Anon68 (not verified)

Can any of the experts help with below :

I checked time stamp in fall backs (which is refreshing every 60 clock seconds). However, time stamp of TL server comes as below:

For e.g.

I entered at 16:00:00
First call back at 16:01:00(stamp 16:01:00)
Second call back at 16:02:00( stamp 16:01:30)
Third call back at 16:03:00(stamp 16:03:00)

Fourth call back 16:04:00(stamp 16:04:30)

Fifth call back 16:05:00(stamp 16:04:30)

Sixth call back 16:06:00( stamp 16:06:00)

And so on

So basically every 180 seconds of clock are converted into two 90 seconds in server stamp.

Now my point is, how do you calculate the timing in such scenario, when to click refresh before sale starts.

Thanks in advance!

Michael (not verified)


My refresch for fallback server is sometimes seconds its rondom not every time 60 seconds. Witch time can i best refresch based on that can Maybe change later this week.


Marcos (not verified)


How did you measure? The add on that this article indicated didn't work for me. Thank you.

Anonymous (not verified)

Guys I have simillar questions to Anon68.
When we go to link worldwide sale. We get on the start a few links in htpp analyz.
For example, worldwidesale.tomorrowland.com which time server is 16:00 and we get fallback.tomorrowland.com which time server is 15:59:34.
We have two servers with two different time. Which time is true?

Anonymous (not verified)

Hi Guys,

I was just checking, and it shows the global packages all sold out but also says, we might get a few packages on the 3rd of February. What is the chance of me getting a ticket through that??

About 3 days back, a lot of packages were available.

gigi (not verified)

just some more info on viagogo - so I tried to list my ticket there and after sending the email confirming the payment from tomorrowland, viagogo replied that they will not make my ticket yet available for sale:


Thank you for listing your tickets for Tomorrowland 2017 - Weekend 1 - Full Madness Pass.

Due to the nature of this event, we require additional security checks before making your Listing available for sale.

We would, therefore, like to check the validity of the tickets you listed and kindly ask you to send a proof of purchase. This proof of purchase must be the e-tickets, in PDF format, that have already been personalised to your own name and cannot be the “Paylogic Order Confirmation” .

Tickets can only be personalised from Monday 6 February 2017 till Friday 24 February 2017
You must personalise the tickets to your own name during this period and only PDF’s that are sent to us will prove that the tickets have been personalised
The "Paylogic Order Confirmation" from Tomorrowland is not a ticket and is not valid for entry, so only PDF files of your e-tickets will be accepted as proof of purchase

Listings are rejected after 15 days from their creation date. If we don't receive the required proof within that timeframe, we will unfortunately not be able to activate your listings for sale.

Now I'm wondering, who's tickets are then for sale already, as nobody should have been able to personalise their tickets yet?!


Did you read any of the reviews? The people are complaining about the high prices they paid. They are not complaining that the tickets did not work.
Of course viagogo is very expensive compared to the regular sales.
If you have any chance to get your ticket elsewhere I would highly recommend.
But viagogo has worked for thousands of people in the past + they have a contract with SFX (mother company of ID&T).

You are right, they always show last tickets available. But the same do most of the airflight and hotel comparing sites. That is just the internet of today.

Don't get me wrong viagogo definetly tries to make as much money as possible but still they are a much better option than ebay, Facebook private sales, reddit...

If someone is not lucky during the global sale next week you still can have a look at the packages of the travel partners.
Some of these deals are pretty good.

Marije (not verified)

We were very lucky this year, we are going with a group of 60 people!

How we do it?
A friend of mine came through te pre-sale and got us friendship garden tickets (10 person).

I didn't know this but apperantly you could also register for only friendship camping en then it is first come, first serve. You get a link for the shop and you can use this link the next 24 hours to buy friendship garden.

5 friends of mine did receive this links and thats how we were able to buy 5 more friendship garden package!

Stil can't believe it!!

David (not verified)

Hey Guys, someone knows how's work the refresh of the queue.paylogic? I've seen that the last year was a random between 31 and 90 seconds, but this year checking the queue script the math.randon function is "a.refresh_seconds?1e3*a.refresh_seconds:3e4+6e4*Math.random())))" someone can explain me how it works. I think the method is like the last year, with the two call backs, one from "https://fallback.scale.tomorrowland.com/" and the other from "https://queue-api.paylogic.com/json/115642/2993/?now=id(that always change). Someone can explain me what the ID means and how works the Math.random function please?v

anon (not verified)

i wanted to try refreshing at 16;59;59 just 4 fun
so i watched at the atom clock on the internet but some seconds before 59;59
the site refreshed and i was in queue but didnt get into the shop
i think the time was round about ~ 16;59;4x

Tom (not verified)

Hi David,
I watched the behavior, the math function results in the same random seconds between 31 and 90 seconds for the queue-api call refresh. The fallback URL stays at 60 seconds fixed. The ID you refer to is the representation of the current time in epoch format (unix) as in number of milliseconds since January, 1st of 1970. FYI the epoch format for february 4th 5pm is 1486227600000, one second after is 1486227601000. I tried to call the api with these numbers, but you always receive the same content, being html code that has 2 'pages', one is the page telling the sale didn't start, the other being 'your enthousiasm is massive so you are in a queue, please do not refresh'. :o)

Tom (not verified)

David, In addition, your questions on notations for 1e3 and 3e4 and 6e4, these are annotations for 10 to the power 3 (1000), 3x10 to the power 4 and 6x10 to the power 4, respectively 1 sec, 30 sec and 60 sec.

smettie (not verified)

does someone know if ticketsales is triggered by the servertime or should we look at the atom clock?
The servertime is really random and is not equal to the atom clock...

Vir (not verified)

I've been analysing the behaviour of the fallback URL for few days now and it varies between days, the closer the sale date is getting, the bigger the delay on the answer. It stays constant inside the same day but it is different between days. We will need to check it tomorrow few hours before the sale starts.

In regards to the clock, I've been using atom clock to time the refresh but at smettie, I'm getting a bit weird Server times.

If I discover anything new tomorrow, I will let you know.

Fingers crossed!

Anonymous (not verified)

Can you open your personal link in multitabs and/or on different laptops? Will this in other words affect your chances in a good way or is this prohibited? And what is the meaning of ping exactly? Why is that so important?

Anonymous (not verified)

I'm keeping a close eye on this page. I went to TML twice now, 2014 and 2015 editions. For one, I can say I got tickets back in 2015 by refreshing the queue on an iPad (we used 3 laptops, two phones and an iPad), cuz it had been a while and I didn't think we'd get tickets anyway. First time TML was by a stroke of luck. I found a link in a forum that only a very few people got; the resale of bounced and cancelled tickets. Followed the link and there were plenty tickets available, I didn't even have to hurry.

Anonymous (not verified)

Can I order tickets for someone else? I mean, can you use totally different names during the personalisation stage? On the FAQ it says that the main buyer needs to attend the festival, but is this true?

Anonymous (not verified)

Do you have to look at the fallback or queue paylogic for measuring the exact time to refresh? And can this vary by laptop to laptop? Last week I entered the site 96 seconds before the actual start and never got in. What was the time last week that the refresh happened?

Anonymous (not verified)

Do you have to look at the fallback or queue paylogic for measuring the exact time to refresh? And can this vary by laptop to laptop? Last week I entered the site 96 seconds before the actual start and never got in. What was the time last week that the refresh happened?

Rico (not verified)

Should I time the callback of "fallback" with the atom clock or the clock on my PC? Theres approx. a one second difference between them.

Smettie (not verified)

Vir, thanks for your reply. I have noticed the same thing...I will use the atom clock, the server time is doing strange things...
The sales is triggered by fallback.
if anybody has a tip, let me know....

Anonymous (not verified)

Are you sure the sales is triggered by "fallback.scale.tomorrowland.com"? Or by "queue-api.paylogic.com"? Because I think it's by the last one...

OLIRA (not verified)

fallback is still refreshing every 60 seconds, but the server time is not beheaving in a regular way

Anonymous (not verified)

What we gonne do best.

Fallback or queue?

With time server time of real time?

Fallback is 60 seconds thats to easy i think.

flavio (not verified)

is there a difference if i open the page allready at 16:30 or at 16.58 for example?

Anonymous (not verified)

Add flavio dont now i checkking New the http readers and its rondom time for queue response.
Fallback stay at 60 seconds. But the time is not like real time for the sever of tml.

Anonymous (not verified)

So basically, it's luck then.
1. one of the scripts (maybe the important one) is refreshing randomly between 30 and 90 seconds
2. TML Server time is not same as real server time and not predictable
I still think, to refresh at 16:59:00 is still the best way to better your chances...

Anonymous (not verified)

Thats what we will now witch Ist the important. Fallback or queue ik dont now i refresch 60 seconds for time.


Got stuck in a traffic jam. Just opened the web browser at 16:58...

No time to check anything. :-(

TomorrowMan (not verified)

No matter what you do, you'll always be in the queue. I checked my reqests and they were made right on time but still it always shows the queue. Started to suspect that the time of the server is significantly different from the actual time.

mile (not verified)

refresh the page !!!
i got in by refreshing my page continully

Mile (not verified)

Other laptop waiting in queue and still not in

4fun (not verified)

did refresh at 16:58:01 and I was in at 17:05 to order my tickets. So for me it worked :-)


4fun: That is nice to hear. Have fun at TL. Don't mess up your payment procedure. :-)

m4d (not verified)

Did the exact same thing. Refreshed 16:58:01, checked the fallback come on 16:59:01 and I´m still waiting...

Joeie (not verified)

Still waiting!


Last week we had messages from people who did get into the shop at 17:50 and later. Keep the browser window open and hope for the best.

Joeie (not verified)

Guys, after three previous failed attempts I finally got in!!! Unfortunately I full madness is only available week 2 and the VIP tickets aren't available anymore, however I do have tickets and that's the important thing.. Wish you lot best of luck

Annon68 (not verified)

55:01, 56:01, 57:01, 58:01, 59:01 with 5 links on five systems

Still on queue


@Joeie: I'm happy that at least some of our users can join the Tomorrowland madness. Wish you all the best and a magical weekend in July. :-)


Comments at the TL FB page say only magical Friday passes are left. 
If you are looking for a full madness pass you should check out the Festicket sale Tomorrow.

4fun (not verified)

I actually refreshed within 0.5seconds after the minute. So seems to be important to be as close as possible within the 16:59:00.xx


Latest FB comments says: almost everything is sold out except daily passes for weekend one and comfort daily passes for weekend two. All the other options sold out.

Anonymous (not verified)

3 pcs with set up refreshs according to the http callback times fucked up.. luckily a random 16:59:58 mobile refresh got us in the ticket shop at 17:17 :) so it seems to be random as hell :D

Anonymous (not verified)

Ik refresched 60 seconds befor Time no tickets a friend of my 5 seconds for time and we got tickets

Anonymous (not verified)

Ticket gotten!
I confirm that the sales was triggered by "fallback.scale.tomorrowland.com", I followed it.

pm6 (not verified)

Guys thank u for all the informations i got here...i refreshed the page at 16.58.59 with atomic clock...
and i had two laptops..and 17:02 i ordered 4 tickets easy tent 1st weekend ....amazing ..cant believe it...dont know if it was luck or beacause of this informations here....

TomorrowLand (not verified)

@pm6 It was pure luck as I tried the same. Congrats!

Funmaker (not verified)

I've got 2 Weekend 1 Dreamville Packages. We've got trying 2 ways. The Laptop refreshing always 16:58:01, 16:59:01, 17:00:01 ... and we've got 2 Handys which we have got did the last refresh at 16:58:40. Because I looked at the "queue.paylogic" and I saw that this random callback switches between 50-90s but the most of them are in the 80s.
At 5pm The handys got first in the queue and the laptop last. After 15min with no access to the shop I trying to refresh the Laptop again and again. Did not work. Then I startet to refresh the handy that get first in the queue. Did not work... At 17:35 The last handy that did not refreshed before get in the shop.
We were really happy, but all Dreamville Packages were sold out... that's what we think. But the whole time we were in the shop the "sold out" signs comes and goes. I think it's because the credit cards of the people did not work or something like that. So after 5min wating we got the tickets that we wish :-)

So at least I think the queue.paylogic is the one that catches you to get in the shop.

Anonymous (not verified)

I got in the ticket shop at 17:19 and got 4 Dreamville packages for Weekend 2. I used 3 PCs and my mobile phone with 7 different pre-registration links. I refreshed the browsers at 16:58:30, 16:58:40, 16:58:50, 16:59:00, 16:59:10, 16:59:20 and 17:00:00. The one I refreshed at 16:58:30 came in. So I don't think that "fallback.scale.tomorrowland.com" was relevant. I think it was triggered by the random refresh of "queue-api.paylogic.com", like Funmaker said. So I guess it was just luck.

Marie (not verified)

So I got in. My choice wasn't available so went for the 4p easy tent. When I went to check out it had added 4 more tickets. I tried to delete them from my cart but it didn't let me. So I now have 8 tickets. I checked out and have 8 tickets.
I called the processing company and they said I will be able to sell them in the ticket exchange but I'm worried about them cancelling my entire order!!!
Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks

Andrea (not verified)


Please email me at kiki1407@hotmail.com if you are interested in purchasing.

The package includes:
- 4 (Four) Full Madness passes
- 4 (Four) Train tickets from Paris to Brussels on July 27 and return tickets from Brussels to Paris on July 31
- 2 (Two) Easy tents which fit two people each (so beds for four people total)
- 4 (Four) Transfers from the Brussels Train station to DreamVille
- 4 (Four) Transfer from DreamVille to Brussels Train station
- 4 (Four) passes to the "Gathering" pre-party at DreamVille
- 4 (Four) Tomorrowland Goodie Bags
- 4 (Four) Daily Tomorrowland newspapers
- 4 (Four) Treasure Cases

The total package cost is 3706,40 EUR

Val (not verified)

Is it available to use others' tickets? My friends have booked 2 tickets, but due to some accidental reasons they cannot go. Can I use their tickets? Please tell me if somebody knows. My e-mail: hzchenzehao@126.com

Lemmi (not verified)

Due to massive fraud, loads of tickets are back on sale on the official tomorrowland site! You have to go on http://returnedtickets.tomorrowland.com/ and enter the adress you used to register on the waiting list in the "enter coupon" field. This is NOT a scam, it's the official site!

Bhav (not verified)

hi i need to re-sell my tomorrowland weekend 2 tickets which i bought on viagogo. currently tried listing at viagogo but the status shows under review. please let me know what to do. Is there anyone willing to buy 3 tickets from me ????
A quick response would be appreciated

David (not verified)

For today's pre-registration and this year sales no news?

Tland (not verified)

Nothing :/

Agnes (not verified)

Hi, I got a link via email for pre-registration and jut let my browser refresh as I was hoping to be one of the first 20 to receive the unique link. Can anyone confirm they received one of those pre-sale links that grants you exclusive guaranteed access to pre-sale? Getting all hyped up and really want to secure tickets after last year's fail. Also, it would be great to know if you can register with the same name with different emails for more chances.

Renate (not verified)

Agnes at what time did you get the first email after registering? I hot in after 4 minutes, then registered, confirmation email arrived 17.09u.
I read on Facebook that the first 20 will get an email just days before the 27th, so we have to be patiënt:-)

Kal (not verified)

Hi when will I be notified if I was one of the first twenties? As in I’m gonna buy a global journey package just to secure the tickets. Will they notify first 20, before global journey goes on sale? And how is it determined first 20, on your nationality or the country you living?

Agnes (not verified)

@Renate, same here, registration email arrived at 17:09, I got in just a few minutes before, not sure about exact time. We just have to wait it out, but oh my gosh isn't it nerve racking?
@Kal, apparently it is the country your registration comes from.

David (not verified)

Someone knows how the system of the queque will work this year for the sale? The shop page isn't online yet right?

David (not verified)

Something new?

Kal (not verified)

Hey guys!!!!! I just received an email saying I was one of the first 20s.. woah I am Super excited..just wanna ask you guys that would it be a problem that my nationality and the country of address is different. Anyways my registration went on from the same place as my address.. thanks !!!

Agnes (not verified)

Karl, I received mine and I'm out of my mind already!!!
Just started planning on accommodation etc, super excited!

Pierre (not verified)

If i try to have my ticket with 5 devices. Will i need to create 5 account (pre registration) or i can do with only 1 ?

LASEKTE (not verified)

seriously ???what is your contry?

PATRICK (not verified)

what do you mean with "if you are willing to pay 100-250 EUR on top you should be able to take part in the Tomorrowland experience!"? -thank you -kind regards, Patrick


Hi Patrick,
I mean the Global Journey Sale, Travel Partner or Viagogo Option.
For example right now:
Global Journey Sale - Bus Package from Eindhoven with DreamVille 668 EUR 
Viagogo: With DreamVille 580 + Fees

Don't forget to check local travel partners in your country next week. 

Coco (not verified)

Hello everybody!

Does anyone analize the scrypt of this year worldwide presale? Last year it's worked for me at the presale (4 magnificient green at 5:14) et i didn't have what i wanted on the shop a the 2nd sale (entered the shop at 5h32).. this year nothing..
Thanks to all! (Sorry for my english i'm french)

Anonymous (not verified)

Hi all,

I took a look at this year's script
It seems that there's a GET call every minute to refresh the queue. However from what I've seen it's not exactly 60 sec, sometimes it's more, sometimes it's less. So it's hard to calibrate your browser.

I would suggest to keep another web page open with an exact time source (https://time.is/) , and refresh you page at the right time. Or refresh the page 60sec before the opening to try to minimise the offset of the next GET call...

Can anyone double check my analysis ?

909 (not verified)

Yes Sir, your analysis was correct :)

Ouss (not verified)

If i enter the shop, will i be able to buy 2 tickets? Just for me and my friend, that i can assure both of us are going. thank you

Goulux (not verified)

Hi lads. I have 2 Global Journey Packages to sell because I can't go for weekend 2.
It includes:
- bus travel from Lille (France) to Boom way and back
-Extra Night Party "the Gathering" on thursday
- 3 days pass
- Access to Magnificent Greens campsite (with your own gear).
If interested, contact me at goulux@hotmail.fr

Joana (not verified)

I have a belgian friend. But it's not possible to send the tickets to his house. Is it possible to make the pre-registration with his addres and send the tickets to another one? Tks

Letterd (not verified)

So has anyone tried to figure out the time intervals on the get calls this year? Trying to figure out but the timer is random AF. Any tips, suggestions?

Anonymous (not verified)

Anyone else trying to figure out if this will work tomorrow?

awiik (not verified)

Which is the best console to buy a ticket, phone on network or computer using wifi?

anonymous (not verified)

So far no answer about the refresh time anyone got an idea ?? l

PP88 (not verified)

Okay, I can confirm that most of the above information is old and/or crap.
Firstly, tickets never go on sale at the time indicated. So when it says 5PM, it could actually be several minutes either side of this. There is no way of knowing the exact time in advance unless you are working for TomorrowLand or PayLogic.
Secondly, when the browser tell you that you are in the queue at the start of the sale, you might not necessarily be in the queue at all. You are only in the queue when your browser makes a request to the API AFTER the ticket sales have started. If you leave the browser to do this automatically, you could be several minute into the sales before you join the queue.
Thirdly, the personal link you are given isn't actually that personal. It's basically a base64 encoded string containing your name, address, dob, email, phone, gender, and country. This means it can be used across multiple devices / browsers. Although these browsers CANNOT share the same cookies or your position in the queue will be reset.
Finally, Technically speaking, and I say technically, it is possible to alter your position in the queue. Although you would need to be extremely knowledgeable about aes encryption. If you were indeed this knowledgeable, you would probably already have purchased the €10K VIP package from your €85K a year salary.
There are a few technical techniques which can be used to get TomorrowLand tickets ahead of anyone else, although you will NEVER find these posted online as these will only be used by the professionals who buy 1000+ tickets to sell on, so if you're not smart enough to work these out for yourself, you'll never know about them.
I'll see you at TML 2018 (wink wink)

eTickets.ca (not verified)

Tomorrowland is the most successful Electronic Festival worldwide. The vision they create can be compared to a visit to Disneyland everything is perfectly organized and beautifully designed. So get yourself prepared and make sure you have subscribed to there newsletter.

Alex (not verified)

Hi all,
If there is anyone from the UK here, I am on the hunt for tickets as I missed out purchasing any due to loss in the family. I am also open to advice as this is my first time.
Please feel free to ping me a message at a.matthews0010@gmail.com.
Kind Regards,

Anonymous (not verified)

If my friend is in the top 20 for his country and buys the 4 reserved tickets with all of our friends names on it and finds out he can't go later on, is he able to change the name on his ticket or will it screw all 3 of us over??

Anonymous (not verified)


Laurens (not verified)

I always ask for tickets on my wishlist: https://happygiftlist.com but never get them lol

Juan Grosso (not verified)

Shop your Festival Accessories at www.vengastore.com
The last touch for your festival look!

Venga Store (not verified)

Shop your Festival Outfits at WWW.VENGA-STORE.COM
The last touch for your festival look!

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